Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jayla and Jordan

I just got some new pictures of Jayla and Jordan and wanted to share them. Jayla will be a year old in October! She is such a cutie and has been walking since she was barely 9 months old! Jordan and Lacey say she is a sweet girl who is very curious and into everything! Sounds like a typical one year old! I wish I could see her more often. They are planning a trip here for Christmas so we are excited about that. Little Jordan is a very special guy. Lacey and Jordan are wonderful examples. Tragically, Lacey's sister died a couple years ago and they stepped up and took guardianship of little Jordy. They are doing a great job of raising him. He is very into sports now and loves every team that Jordan loves...namely Ohio State and the Bengals. He loves school and is a smart young man. I spend my days working with people who need to step up to the plate as parents and I am reminded of this family who are doing it despite Jordan being in a grueling doctorate program for the next 3 years. You guys are awesome...Lacey is a great mom and a great daughter-in-law...we share a love for garage sales and I miss her especially on Friday and Saturday mornings! Love you guys!

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Anonymous said...

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heather park