Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jayla and Jordan

I just got some new pictures of Jayla and Jordan and wanted to share them. Jayla will be a year old in October! She is such a cutie and has been walking since she was barely 9 months old! Jordan and Lacey say she is a sweet girl who is very curious and into everything! Sounds like a typical one year old! I wish I could see her more often. They are planning a trip here for Christmas so we are excited about that. Little Jordan is a very special guy. Lacey and Jordan are wonderful examples. Tragically, Lacey's sister died a couple years ago and they stepped up and took guardianship of little Jordy. They are doing a great job of raising him. He is very into sports now and loves every team that Jordan loves...namely Ohio State and the Bengals. He loves school and is a smart young man. I spend my days working with people who need to step up to the plate as parents and I am reminded of this family who are doing it despite Jordan being in a grueling doctorate program for the next 3 years. You guys are awesome...Lacey is a great mom and a great daughter-in-law...we share a love for garage sales and I miss her especially on Friday and Saturday mornings! Love you guys!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ike Hit Ohio!

Can you believe it? Hurricane Ike hit Ohio! We have been declared a state of emergency. We were hit with 79 miles per hour winds, which knocked out electricity everywhere. In fact, my workplace- Dept. of Human Services is still without power, so here I sit at home blogging and getting paid!! You know I hate that! We were lucky, we only lost power for about 7 hours. My mom and sister are still in the dark. Mom lost her carport too. Derr road, if you've been here, looks like a disaster area. We had sent lots of our electricity repair people to Texas to help out there so we are shorthanded here. I can only imagine what it must be like in Texas and my prayers are with those people. I have never seen wind like I saw on Sunday. I know the importance of 72 hr. kits and many of the ward members are having to put them to use.

Sadie's Day at the Pool!

We had a fun day a couple of Saturdays ago. Splash Zone, our local water park had closed for the season, so they took all the chemicals out of the pool and invited everyone to bring their dogs for a swim. Sadie, our Springer Spaniel loves nothing more than swimming so we took her! What a riot! There were dogs everywhere! It was a lot of fun and none of the dogs fought...they just swam and played. One even went down the kids slide again and again. As for Sadie...well the swimmer is getting old and arthritic. She jumped right in the deep end and then couldn't get her hind legs up so she dog paddled around and almost went under...I had to pull her up! I took her around to where the steps were and she swam there so she could walk out. She is one crazy dog!